We enjoyed fine ski conditions on a Perley Rock tour today. Up to 30cm of recent HST overlies the the March 18 interface—moist snow up to 1800m on a north aspect in the Illecillewaet drainage. The top 15cm was F and hardness increased to 1F down 50-70cm above the March 11 interface.
Above 2200m, light northerly winds had redistributed the HN into immediate lee features and pressed/ scoured exposed windward aspects.
The March 11 interface was unreactive to skier traffic where we skied today and the upper snowpack felt progressively resistant. There was evidence of recent cornice failure on the east aspect of Lookout Mountain and some natural LW activity to sz 1.5 on solar aspects.
We skied settled buckle top dry powder to 1450m. When the sun was out it was high in the sky and packed a punch. Spring convective showers are abound, so be prepared for some whiteout navigation.
Creek holes are starting to open up and spring forest travel conditions are in effect. Less rider traffic out there today and there was plenty of parking at the Asulkan.
Hope you enjoyed a nice spring equinox today.