Day trip with a few local guides to check out the conditions and state of the glaciers around Blackcomb.
Cool and clear day with light-mod NW winds at ridgetop. 5-10cm of recent low density snow on top of a stiffer 50cm slab above a 10cm facet layer lying on a crust. This slab was producing several whumphs throughout the day with skier traffic and Moderate Sudden Collapse results in a test profile at 2220m, N aspect. As well, we remotely triggered a size 1 from 100m away on the Spearhead Gl, N aspect, 2220m. We saw a few natural avalanches up to size 1.5 as well on similar aspects. This is definitely a layer to watch for, especially with the incremental loading we will see in the next little while.
Probing on glaciers showed an average of 100cm-130cm. The Spearhead Gl. was extremely broken with no fall line ski options from the standard Don't Swill and Guides Notch locations. Careful navigation and route finding are needed, as well as some solid crevasse and glacier travel skills.
There's definitely some good skiing to be had up high, just gotta work a little for it! Very boney and shallow on non-glacial terrain and at lower elevations. Enjoy and play safe.