Numerous folks have been asking about climbing conditions on the popular objectives around Rogers Pass (Sir Donald, Macdonald, Uto, Tupper, Rogers, etc). Generally, snowline is creeping up and sits around 1850-1900m on north-facing trails, and south-facing trails are nearly snow-free to 2000m. Routes on Macdonald and Tupper are generally snowfree, with snowpatches lingering on the upper SW Ridge of Macdonald. Sir Donald still has lots of snow on the northern aspect, as well as the W-face bypass and the rap route. Sir Donald isn't in good condition yet, give it another week or two. Uto SW Ridge is being climbed and there are a few snowpatches to be dealt with if descending the NW Ridge. Tupper W Ridge is snowfree, though you will be walking in snow from 2000m up to the actual climbing on the ridge. Tupper S Buttress has snowpatches on it and some corners/cracks are seeping.
Sorry about the quality of photos, but the phone camera was all I at least gives you an idea of how much snow is to be expected descending the upper portion of Macdonald.
Chris Gooliaff
Glacier NP Visitor Safety