The previous stability has started to change.. seems like sone winds and warmth changed the snowpack over the last few days. There was 10-20 super low density snow sitting on top of a temperature/wind slab in certain locations. Not reactive to skiing. But when we were boot packing up a couloir we noticed that down 30 there was a stellar layer sandwiched in the dense snow, it was easily popping on our hand shears... so we turned and skied epic turns back down to the valley.. still early season below 2000m
On The Map
These observations and opinions are those of the person who submitted them. The ACMG and its members take no responsibility for errors, omissions, or lapses in continuity. Conditions differ greatly over time and space due to the variable nature of mountain weather and terrain. Application of this information provides no guarantee of increased safety. Do not use the Mountain Conditions Report as the sole factor in planning trips or making decisions in the field.