Skied the Duffy Lake area with clients 03/25 and 03/26. Saturday was spent in the Cayoosh drainage. Mod-Strong variably gusting winds and poor visibility kept us at lower elevations, but still allowed for great skiing from the toe of the Armchair Gl to the valley. Approx 30cm over supportive crust in sheltered areas, and slab formation in open treeline terrain. Mod RP shears down 25-30cm. Mid pack well settled. Ended the day with a Rock and Roll lap. Wind press off ridge, and preserved powder on rest of run. Crust felt under HN on steep solar, but was not moving with skier traffic. Good visibility at end of day allowed for views up the Cayoosh North Glacier. No Na observed, and two adventurous tracks observed down Million Dollar Couloir, with no skier induced avalanches.
Sunday spent up Vantage Ridge. Colder overnight temps and settlement in HST provided excellent ski conditions well into treeline. No Na observed. Skied Birthday Chute, and had slow sluffs triggered by skiers on upper pitch, otherwise great steep turns.