Spent the day in Steep Creek yesterday, February 21, on primarily north aspects under scattered cloud, -5 and light to moderate westerly winds.
Surface hoar, 5mm at treeline and 10mm in the alpine including ridgetops, sits on 20-30cm soft, cold snow on polar aspects and isolated soft slab in the alpine. Treeline and below treeline providing good dust(15cm TL) on crust skiing on open, planar features on a support crust. Fragile cornice tabs and cornices cleaving in the alpine.
We observed surface sluffing in steep terrain in reaction to skier traffic.
Of note, we received a reliable report of a remotely triggered avalanche in Cassiope basin from 60-80m away. Northeast aspect, 1900m, crown was 1-2m stepping down and ran 100m to the flats made up of large blocks of debris. It was triggered from a shallow regroup position on an outcropping. This was adjacent to the start zone which was steep and unsupported.
Enjoy the fine weather.
On The Map
These observations and opinions are those of the person who submitted them. The ACMG and its members take no responsibility for errors, omissions, or lapses in continuity. Conditions differ greatly over time and space due to the variable nature of mountain weather and terrain. Application of this information provides no guarantee of increased safety. Do not use the Mountain Conditions Report as the sole factor in planning trips or making decisions in the field.