An ACC national trip spent Sept. 13-17th hiking in the Lake O'Hara region. The larches are changing and the snow is coming!
Weather consisted of persistent rain, and light to moderate winds; temperatures ranged between 5°c and 14°c at 2050m. Snow line dropped to 2400m on the 17th (Wednesday), the only day we saw the sun. Visibility was low at times, as rain clouds pushed into the Lake O'Hara valley from McArthur. Hiking over rocky terrain required some caution as lichen-covered slabs and boulders became slick in the rainy conditions.
Our group observed a helicopter search which (thankfully) was a false alarm. It does serve as a good reminder, that despite the feel of a very front-country experience, the trails around Lake O'Hara offer quick access to high mountain terrain. Conditions change quickly, and as the weather and daylight hours deteriorate, it is pertinent to treat these places with respect. Carry the appropriate gear should you find yourself in a tough situation, and have a way to communicate (a responsible party, a beacon, etc) should things get really tricky!
We are lucky to be in a part of the world where mountain professionals are so readily available. Lets try not to make them work too hard!
Happy trails,