We spent three days (Dec 3-5) around Bow hut.
Here is the summary
Approach - Bow Lake is fully frozen, Canyon was OK, needed to take skis off twice on our way up but could keep them on when we came out today.
Wx / snow - Majority of snow fell on Dec 5th. Up to 25cm at hut level and 20cm at lake level with m-s SW wind. It was still snowing (not raining) when we reached our car at 1300.
Avalanche - We remoted couple Sz1 from 20m away both side of the walls in the canyon. Observed large audible from Jimmy Simpson.
Snowpack test - @2450m above hut, CTVE and CTE3 RP ↓22cm on fc sz1. Failed below "p" 10cm hard wind slab.
General - HS on the glacier is variable from 0 to 130, average 70cm. Good skiing could be found in the sheltered area. Really thin coverage below the hut and recommend to bring helmet and rock skis.