Finally a clear day in the forecast and we seized it for an ACMG Guides' day out!
With a headlamp start, we had easy supportive travel on a strong melt-freeze crust all the way to the summit. We needed ski crampons for most of the final 500 metres of vertical.
We skiied directly off the summit. Timing was crucial here as the south face was absorbing a lot of heat and the terrain is very exposed and steep below.
We waited patiently for the west facing main slope to warm. Ultimately we began skiing down on semi-breakable crust. We wanted to be sure to have supportive snow at lower elevations.
We descended to the east of Read's Tower, staying on the soft and creamy SE facing slopes for 600 vertical metres. Remaining in the Sparrowhawk Creek drainage worked well to bring us back to the road only a few metres from the car by noon.
A great objective that hasn't been in such good condition for several seasons. It hasn't been warm enough for extensive corn development, and the forecast over the next week won't help.
Ken BÉLANGER: ACMG Ski, Hiking Guide
Adam BURRELL: ACMG Ski, Hiking Guide
Shaun KING: ACMG Mountain Guide