While breaking trail from the practice slopes to the Overlook Entrance we observed cracking and failing on small unsupported rolls. This weakness was down around 40 cms on small surface Hoar. Once above 1800m this problem seemed to improve, but we were cautious with our track exiting that area. In the basin under Sir Donald the snow became slightly wind affect creating a soft slab. It was not reactive where we toured but could be on bigger slopes. We cut a small cornice into the entrance to Overlook basin triggering a size 2 that was ~30-40cm deep and ran 125m (approx). It triggered a couple size 1’s after it turned the corner. We suspect that area received some downflow winds overnight, tightening up the slab. Once below 2000m the skiing was good with no wind affect. However it was starting to become moist it the sun. A thin crust had developed on southerly tilted features coming down off Avalanche crest by 230pm. If you played the aspect it was still quite good.
Simon Beland
Martin Labuda
Danielle Touche