MCR Summary Rockies/Columbia Mountains
The mountains are embracing early summer-like conditions. Most lingering snow is disappearing from mid elevation hiking, and the wild flowers are in full swing with the weather being sunny and hot!
Generally sunny with above average temperatures being forecasted for the weekend. Although not as warm as the "heat dome" of last year, we are experiencing warm alpine temperatures. Thunder and lightning is always on the radar in the afternoon these days.
Rockfall - With the rapid snow melt in the last 10 days, some rocks (often large) are left precariously perched behind. Be mindful of moving water overhead that may dislodge rocks.
Cornices - Still lingering, particularly on high north north/east facing slopes. The Becky-Chinard route in the bugaboos had a large cornice fall and rake down the route a week ago.
Glaciers - Rapid snow melt is resulting in thin/week snow bridges in some area.
Slide Hazard on lingering snow - Ask yourself "where would I end up if I slide down this slope" before stepping out onto it.
General conditions,
Travel on snow has been great in many areas with little foot penetration even on days with no freeze. Glaciers are holding a healthy snow pack making travel easier than normal for this time of year and areas like the Bugaboo-Snowpatch Col are in good shape. Most south facing alpine climbs are now snow free, however north aspects are still holding some snow at higher elevations. Hikes like the Rockwall are reported to still have some lingering snow patches.
Having said all this, with the forecast expect things to change rapidly in regards to snow melt and routes drying out.
Enjoy it while we can!
James Madden