Hey all,
We had a significant skier remote avalanche today.
location: Observation SubPeak west glade shoulder
elevation: started at 2375m and ran to below 2200m(poor vis prevented a more accurate account of end elevation)
depth: 50 to 150+cm
Width: 100m
Length: ~400m
Failed on the ground (Dec. facets)
original slide triggered 2 subsequent avalanches; a sympathetic size 1.0 on the opposite side of the gully, and the main avalanche triggered the side of the gully it ran down, again down to just above ground.
We triggered it while touring up a mellow ridge (~20degrees) from 100+ meters away. It was not until we had skied our run down that we saw the avalanche. Guests definitely understood why we were skiing so mellow after that!!
Heads up hockey out there!
Neil Warren