Skied the SE aspects of Fang Mtn area today accessed from 5 km Upper Torpy FSR.
Height of snow around treeline averages 130 cm. Highly variable distribution in the alpine due to previous winds. Alpine slopes quite wind affected. Tests had 10 -15 cm windslab on surface failing easily. I would guess that slab thickness would be highly variable depending on terrain and wind distribution. Snowpack isn’t typical for this area at this time of winter. It has been cold and dry resulting in much facetting. The base of the snowpack is weak and is bridged by denser layers. I would be cautious of thin snowpack areas in the alpine at this time. Skiing below treeline was fun and fast on the facetted grains. Track setting at low elevations arduous due to the unsupportive facetted snowpack. More like eastern slope of Rockies at this time. Beautiful day out there, -5 alpine temps, but unfortunately the cold weather is just around the corner.
On The Map
These observations and opinions are those of the person who submitted them. The ACMG and its members take no responsibility for errors, omissions, or lapses in continuity. Conditions differ greatly over time and space due to the variable nature of mountain weather and terrain. Application of this information provides no guarantee of increased safety. Do not use the Mountain Conditions Report as the sole factor in planning trips or making decisions in the field.