To add to Scott Davis MCR post covering 8812 Bowl and the Dome area at Rogers Pass for Jan 20-21/2017.
I was guiding two guests yesterday in the Asulkan-Dome area. Today, I was skiing with candidates prepping for their upcoming guides exam.
Yesterday we observed 10cm of low density snow sitting on 3mm surface hoar at 1850m near the triangle moraine in the Asulkan valley.
We noticed the surface hoar as we were sitting down for lunch and the surface snow happened to crack and shear around our packs to reveal the shiny dreaded crystals.
We called this layer the"Jan 22" surface hoar as it got covered overnight with a few cms of new snow and some light wind transport in that location.
On the Lilly glacier side today, we observed the Jan 15 surface hoar layer covered by 30-40cm of settled storm snow cracking around our skis on the moraine below the glacier. No recent natural activity was observed.
The snow coverage on the Lilly was excellent and there was no recent wind effect except for the upper slopes leading to the Dome col.
Enjoy the great turns,
Sylvain Hebert
ACMG Ski Guide